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Director Bio: 
Saanvi Ramreddola: Hey everyone! I'm Saanvi Ramreddola, the MCJC scribes director. I'm currently an 8th grader at Lakelands Park Middle School. I've dedicated the past four years to serving in my school's SGA. When I'm not busy with school, you can find me on a soccer field or a volleyball court. In my free time, I treasure moments with friends and family.

Deputies: Leela Anand, Vivian Nguyen, Pranav Prabu, Jonathan Wang

The role of the Scribes is to organize, maintain and contribute to the historical record of MCJC by keeping a pictorial record of all General Assembly, Executive Board meetings and other MCJC activities, to compile a documented scrapbook of all MCJC activities for the year and submit this historic visual record at the end of the school year, and to organize, advertise, and facilitate a member school scrapbook contest.  We also ​manage the production and distribution of MCJC publications, publish a MCJC newsletter at minimum, twice a semester, maintain records of all MCJC publications and charts, and revise the publications on the MCJC website and update them periodically.

© 2024 Montgomery County Junior Council.

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